Uploading Rentals from a CSV

To save time from manually creating rentals, you can upload them to Webready using a CSV file in the specified format.

Here's how.

  • Navigate to the Rentals section in the left panel
  • Click on the drop down arrow on the "Add Rental" button then on "Upload Rentals".
  • On the pop up box, click on the "Download Sample File" link to view the Sample CSV file.
  • Ensure that your CSV file matches the fields and order listed in the sample file.
  • Drag & Drop or select your CSV file then click "Upload".
    The Upload button will be enabled once you have selected a file.
  • Use the Select All checkbox to upload all rentals or select the individual checkboxes at the left of the rental name to choose which rentals you will like to upload.
  • Click on "Upload Rentals".

That's it!

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