All Categories > Invoices & Billing > Invoice Management
Have you ever needed to refund part or all of a booking? Well the credit notes feature allows you to do just that. Here's how you can get this done.. Credit notes can be created in 2 places: Within y…
Updated 2 years ago by Phoebe De Riggs
You may have multiple categories of items that need to be charged separately. Rather than flood your guest’s inbox with multiple invoices for specific items, you might decide that they would be bette…
Updated 4 years ago
If you’ve quoted a price through an invoice to a guest but find that you need to make a change either to the figures or information within the invoice, Webready makes it easy to update or make change…
Occasionally you might want to send an invoice that outlines the full cost that your guest will be required to pay by the end of the interaction, but only a percentage will be required up-front as a…
Invoice templates work together with rules in Webready to automate your invoicing and streamline your workflow. Invoice Templates are utilized by Invoice Rules which can be event-based or time-based.…
Updated 3 years ago by Phoebe De Riggs
An invoice rule is an instruction to Webready Invoicing to perform a particular action when an event occurs. For example, rules can be used to send an invoice to the guest 2 days before check-in. Web…
Webready makes sending invoices easy. Before creating your first invoice, you may want to connect a Payment Gateway with Webready. Doing so will allow your guests to pay via a "Pay with Card" button,…
Updated 2 months ago by Phoebe De Riggs
Very often you need to split your invoices into two or more. One invoice for the rental deposit which will be sent to the guest now, and the other for the balance which will be sent later. But many p…
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