Featured rentals and Custom rentals list feature (Editor V2)

When editing your website you may wish to select Featured Rentals to be used in all "Featured Rental" components throughout your webpages. You may also just want specific rentals to be used for a particular component. We'll show you how to accomplish this below.

The Featured Rentals and Custom Rentals List options are only available for multi-rental websites.

Many Webready components contain the "Use Featured Rentals" option below:

Some of the components that take advantage of this setting are:

  • Home Header
  • Featured Rooms Section
  • Rental Sliders Section
  • Most Popular Properties
  • Featured Properties Section

For some templates (Tropic, Blacksand, and Veryvine), you can specify the featured rentals in your Global Settings, which will be used for these components. For other, templates, you will have to set the featured rentals directly in the component.

  1. Click on the Global Settings icon
  2. Select the Rentals tab
  3. Under "Featured Rentals", click Add Rentals
  4. Use the checkboxes to select the rentals you will like to feature then click the Select button
    You will now see the rentals you selected under the rentals tab:
  5. The components that are using your Featured Rentals will now only show the rentals that you entered in the Rentals tab of the Global Settings

  1. Click on the Settings icon for the component
  2. Under Rentals, select "Use featured rentals" and adjust any other settings
  3. Click on the Rentals icon for the component
  4. Click on Add Rentals
  5. Use the checkboxes to select the rentals you will like to feature then click the Select button
  6. Click Save
  7. You will see that the component that is using your Featured Rentals List now only shows the rentals that you entered

Use a custom rental list for your components

Some components allow you to choose a Custom Rental List instead of using your Featured Rentals. If you will like to select a different set of rentals for these components, then you can choose this option.

Here is how you will do this:

  1. Click on the Settings icon for the component
  2. Under Rentals, select "Use custom rentals list" and adjust any other settings
  3. Click on the Rentals icon for the component
  4. Click on Add Rentals
  5. Use the checkboxes to select the rentals you will like to feature then click the Select button
  6. Click Save
  7. You will see that the component that is using your Custom Rentals List now only shows the rentals that you entered

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