Top 10 Vacation Rental Photography Hacks To Get More Direct Bookings

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Did you know that 60% of listing views start with a guest clicking on a photo? This statistic highlights the undeniable importance of high-quality photography in the vacation rental market. 

Moreover, when guests decide not to book a listing, 40% of the time, the last thing they clicked on was a photo. Clearly, your photos can make or break a booking decision.

Additionally, listings with professional photography earned 28% more bookings, could charge a 26% higher nightly rate, and increased overall earnings by 40%.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 vacation rental photography hacks you need to know to elevate your listings and attract more bookings.

With professional-looking photos, you can increase your rental income, attract more guests, and stand out in a competitive market. Let’s dive into these essential photography hacks that can transform your vacation rental from overlooked to fully booked.

Living room with abundant natural light, highlighting vibrant decor and cozy atmosphere - perfect example of vacation rental photography using natural light.

1. Use Natural Light

Natural light is your best friend when it comes to vacation rental photography. It has the ability to create inviting and vibrant photos that highlight the true beauty of your space. 

Unlike artificial lighting, natural light provides a soft, even illumination that can make rooms appear larger, warmer, and more welcoming. Utilizing natural light effectively can transform a dull and lifeless photo into one that captures the attention of potential guests and entices them to book your property.

Pro Tip:

To make the most of natural light, shoot during the golden hours—early morning or late afternoon. During these times, the sunlight is softer and more diffused, reducing harsh shadows and giving your photos a warm, inviting glow. 

Decluttered and well-staged living room with tasteful decor, demonstrating effective vacation rental photography.

2. Declutter and Stage the Space

A clean and well-organized space is crucial for vacation rental photography. Clutter can distract potential guests and make the space feel smaller and less appealing.

 By decluttering and staging your property, you create a more inviting and visually pleasing environment that highlights the best features of your rental. A well-staged space not only looks better in photos but also helps guests imagine themselves staying there. 

Pro Tip:

 Remove personal items and any unnecessary clutter from the rooms. Add simple, tasteful decorations such as fresh flowers, throw pillows, and artwork to enhance the appeal without overwhelming the space.

Person using a smartphone to photograph a plant, demonstrating the use of quality equipment for vacation rental photography.

3. Invest in a Quality Camera or Smartphone

 Even if you’re not a professional photographer, using the right equipment can elevate the overall quality of your images.

High-resolution photos captured with a good camera can highlight the details and features of your property more effectively, making the space look more appealing and professional.

 You don’t need to break the bank to get a good camera or smartphone for your photography needs. For cameras, consider budget-friendly options like the Canon EOS Rebel T7 or the Nikon D3500, both of which offer excellent image quality and user-friendly features. 

If you prefer using a smartphone, the latest models from brands like Apple and Samsung, such as the iPhone 13 or Samsung Galaxy S21, have advanced camera systems capable of producing high-quality photos. Investing in a quality camera or smartphone will ensure your vacation rental photography stands out and attracts more guests. 

Person using a tripod for stable photography, demonstrating the importance of stability in vacation rental photography.

4. Use a Tripod for Stability

A tripod ensures that your photos are sharp and consistently framed. Handheld shots, especially in low light, can often result in blurry images due to even the slightest movement. A tripod stabilizes your camera, allowing you to take clear, well-composed photos that showcase your rental property in the best possible light.

When choosing a tripod, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get a quality product. Affordable options like the AmazonBasics 60-Inch Lightweight Tripod or the JOBY GorillaPod are excellent choices for both cameras and smartphones. These tripods are easy to set up and use, making them perfect for quick photo sessions.

To use a tripod effectively, first ensure it’s on a stable surface. Adjust the legs to the desired height and lock them in place. Attach your camera or smartphone securely, and use the tripod’s head to position the device for the perfect shot. This setup allows you to frame your photos precisely and maintain consistent angles throughout your shoot.

Pro Tip:

For the best results, use your camera or smartphone’s timer or remote shutter feature to avoid any movement when pressing the shutter button. This little trick ensures your images remain sharp and blur-free.

5. Experiment with Angles and Perspectives

By experimenting with various perspectives, you can find the most flattering angles that showcase your property’s unique features and create a more inviting atmosphere.

Different angles can dramatically change the composition and perception of a room. For instance, shooting from a low angle can make a space appear larger and more open, while high angles can provide a comprehensive view of the layout. Side angles can emphasize the depth and dimension of a room, giving potential guests a better sense of space.

To illustrate, consider these examples:

  • Living Room: A low-angle shot taken from the entrance can make the living room appear spacious and welcoming.
  • Bedroom: A high-angle shot from the corner of the room can showcase the entire layout, including the bed, nightstands, and decor.
  • Kitchen: A side angle shot highlighting the countertop and appliances can emphasize the functionality and style of the kitchen.

Tips for Finding the Best Angles:

  1. Experiment: Take multiple shots from different heights and positions to see which ones capture the space best.
  2. Corners: Shooting from the corners of a room can often provide a broader perspective, making the room look larger.
  3. Eye Level: For most interior shots, keeping the camera at eye level can create a natural and comfortable view.
  4. Highlight Features: Focus on unique architectural elements or decor by adjusting the angle to emphasize these features.

By playing with angles and perspectives, you can create dynamic and engaging photos that draw potential guests’ attention and make your vacation rental stand out.

Pro Tip: 

Use grid lines on your camera or smartphone to help align your shots and maintain straight lines, which can make your photos look more professional and aesthetically pleasing.

Living room with a decorated fireplace and Christmas tree, showcasing cozy and unique decor for vacation rental photography.

6. Focus on Key Features

Highlighting the unique features of your vacation rental is essential for capturing the interest of potential guests. Whether it’s a stunning view, unique decor, or special amenities, showcasing these aspects can set your property apart from the competition and make it more appealing.

Identify Key Features:

First, identify what makes your rental special. This could be a breathtaking view, a cozy fireplace, stylish decor, or luxury amenities like a hot tub or pool. Think about what guests might find most attractive or memorable about your property.

Showcasing Features Effectively:

  1. Stunning Views: If your property offers beautiful scenery, make sure to capture it. Take photos from windows, balconies, or outdoor spaces that showcase the view. Use wide-angle shots to encompass the full panorama.
  2. Unique Decor: Highlight any distinctive design elements or decor. This could be vintage furniture, art pieces, or a unique color scheme. Take close-up shots of these details to draw attention to them.
  3. Cozy Fireplace: A fireplace can be a major selling point, especially for properties in colder climates. Photograph it to convey warmth and comfort. Arrange seating around it to show it as a cozy gathering spot.
  4. Luxury Amenities: If you have special features like a hot tub, pool, or a gourmet kitchen, make sure to capture these in a way that shows their appeal. For a pool, take photos on a sunny day with clear water and inviting lounge chairs. For a kitchen, highlight high-end appliances and spacious countertops.

Pro Tip: 

Use natural light to enhance these features. For instance, shoot during the golden hour to capture the best light for outdoor views or interiors with plenty of windows. Additionally, staging these areas with appropriate decor, like a well-set dining table or a neatly arranged patio, can help guests visualize themselves enjoying these amenities.

7. Edit Your Photos Professionally

Professional photo editing is a crucial step in vacation rental photography. Post-processing can significantly enhance the quality of your images, making them more appealing and ensuring they accurately represent your property.

 Editing allows you to correct any lighting issues, improve colors, and add a polished look to your photos that can attract more bookings.

Importance of Post-Processing:

Editing your photos helps to bring out the best in each shot. Even the best photos can benefit from a little tweaking to correct exposure, adjust colors, and sharpen details. High-quality, edited photos can make your property stand out in a crowded market, giving potential guests a positive first impression.

Recommended User-Friendly Photo Editing Software:

  1. Adobe Lightroom: Known for its powerful editing capabilities and user-friendly interface. Ideal for adjusting exposure, color balance, and adding filters.
  2. Canva: Great for beginners, Canva offers simple editing tools and a wide range of templates to enhance your photos.
  3. GIMP: A free, open-source editor that provides many advanced features found in premium software.
  4. Snapseed: A mobile app with intuitive controls, perfect for on-the-go editing.

Basic Editing Tips:

  1. Adjust Exposure and Brightness: Ensure your photos are well-lit. Increase the exposure or brightness if your images are too dark.
  2. Enhance Colors: Use the saturation and vibrance tools to make the colors pop, but be careful not to overdo it. You want the colors to look natural.
  3. Crop and Straighten: Remove any unnecessary parts of the image and straighten it to ensure lines are level. This can improve the composition and focus on the main subject.
  4. Sharpen Details: Use the sharpening tool to enhance the clarity of your photos. This can help bring out textures and make the image more crisp.
  5. Remove Blemishes: Use the healing or clone tool to remove any distractions like dust spots or small imperfections.

Pro Tip: 

Always keep a copy of the original photo. This allows you to start over if needed and compare the edited version to the original to ensure you’re enhancing, not over-editing.

8. Show the Entire Space

When it comes to vacation rental photography, it’s important to give potential renters a comprehensive view of your property. Showing the full layout helps guests understand the flow and size of the space, making it easier for them to envision themselves staying there. This transparency builds trust and can lead to more bookings.

This reduces any surprises upon arrival and increases the likelihood of meeting their expectations, resulting in positive reviews and repeat bookings.

To effectively capture entire rooms, consider using wide-angle shots. A wide-angle lens allows you to include more of the room in a single photo, making spaces appear larger and more inviting. 

Here are some tips for taking great wide-angle shots:

  1. Use a Wide-Angle Lens: If you’re using a camera, invest in a wide-angle lens. For smartphones, many modern devices come equipped with wide-angle capabilities or offer attachable wide-angle lenses.
  2. Find the Right Angle: Position yourself in the corner of the room to capture as much of the space as possible. This perspective can provide a more comprehensive view.
  3. Keep the Camera Level: Ensure your camera is level to avoid distorted lines and maintain a natural look.
  4. Highlight Key Areas: Make sure the photo showcases important features and amenities, such as a spacious living area, a well-equipped kitchen, or a cozy bedroom.
  5. Avoid Clutter: Keep the room tidy and uncluttered to enhance the sense of space and cleanliness.

Pro Tip: 

Combine wide-angle shots with detail shots to create a balanced photo gallery. This approach gives potential guests both an overall view of the space and close-ups of unique features, making your listing more appealing and informative.

9. Shoot in HDR Mode

HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography is a powerful technique that can significantly enhance your vacation rental photos. By capturing a wider range of light and dark tones, 

HDR mode ensures that all parts of your image are well-exposed and detailed, creating vibrant and balanced photos.

Benefits of HDR Photography:

HDR photography combines multiple exposures into a single image to capture the full range of light in a scene. This technique is particularly useful in high-contrast settings, such as bright windows in a dimly lit room. 

The result is a photo that accurately represents both the brightest and darkest areas, reducing washed-out highlights and murky shadows. Using HDR can make your photos look more professional, helping to attract more guests to your rental property.

How to Enable and Use HDR on Different Cameras:

For DSLR or Mirrorless Cameras:

  1. Check for HDR Mode: Many modern DSLR and mirrorless cameras have a built-in HDR mode. Check your camera’s manual or menu settings to find and enable it.
  2. Manual HDR Shooting: If your camera doesn’t have an HDR mode, you can shoot manually. Take three photos of the same scene: one underexposed, one correctly exposed, and one overexposed.
  3. Merge Photos: Use photo editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to merge the three images into a single HDR photo.

For Smartphones:

  1. iPhone:
    • Open the Camera app.
    • Tap HDR at the top of the screen to enable it. If it’s not visible, go to Settings > Camera and toggle on Auto HDR.
    • Take your photo. The iPhone will automatically capture multiple exposures and combine them.
  2. Android:
    • Open the Camera app.
    • Tap the settings icon (gear) and look for the HDR option. Enable it.
    • Take your photo. The phone will automatically use HDR to enhance the image.

Pro Tip: 

When shooting in HDR mode, keep your camera as steady as possible to avoid ghosting or blurriness caused by movement between shots. Using a tripod can help achieve the best results. This technique will ensure that your vacation rental photos are clear, vibrant, and attractive, helping you stand out in a competitive market.

10. Showcase Local Attractions

Featuring nearby attractions and amenities in your vacation rental photography is crucial for attracting potential guests.

 Highlighting the local area not only showcases the unique appeal of your location but also helps guests envision the full experience they can enjoy during their stay. By integrating local highlights into your property photos, you can create a more compelling listing that stands out from the competition.

Guests often choose vacation rentals based on the surrounding area as much as the property itself. Proximity to popular attractions, restaurants, parks, and other amenities can be a significant factor in their decision-making process. By showcasing these local highlights, you provide valuable information that can make your property more attractive and increase bookings.

Ways to Integrate Local Highlights into Your Property Photos:

  1. Include Photos of Attractions: Take high-quality photos of popular nearby attractions, such as beaches, parks, museums, or landmarks. Include these images in your listing to give potential guests a sense of what they can explore during their stay.
  2. Highlight Local Amenities: Capture images of local amenities like cafes, restaurants, shopping districts, and entertainment venues. Mention the distance from your property to these spots in the photo captions.
  3. Show Proximity to Nature: If your rental is close to natural attractions like hiking trails, lakes, or scenic viewpoints, include photos of these beautiful spots. Emphasize the convenience of accessing these natural wonders from your property.
  4. Create a Local Experience: Set up and photograph experiences that guests might enjoy, such as a picnic at a nearby park, a beach day, or a visit to a local market. These lifestyle shots can help guests imagine their vacation more vividly.
  5. Use Maps and Infographics: Incorporate maps or infographics that highlight the proximity of your property to various attractions. This visual aid can help guests understand the location’s convenience and appeal.

Pro Tip:

 When taking photos of local attractions, aim for times when these places are less crowded to capture their charm without distractions. Early mornings or late afternoons often provide the best lighting and fewer people. 

Transforming Beautiful Photos into Vacation Rental Success

After capturing stunning photos of your vacation rental, the next crucial step is creating a professional website for your property. Here’s why:

  1. Direct Bookings: A professional website allows you to facilitate direct bookings, saving on commission fees and increasing your revenue. It comes FREE with Webready.
  2. Showcase Your Photos: High-quality photography can be effectively showcased on your website, attracting more guests and highlighting your rental’s best features.
  3. Create Beautiful Videos: Unlike other booking platforms, Webready allows property managers to showcase their properties with stunning videos.
  4. Build Customer Loyalty: Customize your guests’ stay and experience to enhance satisfaction and retention using various codes and offers. Satisfied clients will recommend you as a host to their friends, and family.
  5. Upsell With Ease: Enhance your guests’ satisfaction by offering a variety of services and activities. Increase your revenue while providing exceptional customer service and a memorable experience.

By combining professional vacation rental photography with a top-notch website, you can maximize your property’s potential and stand out in a competitive market.

Webready Vacation Rental Website Builder Features:

  • Seamless Integrations: Connect with Airbnb and Property Management Software (PMS) easily or use it as a stand alone product.
  • Dynamic Pricing Tools: Optimize rates based on season and events. Always provide the perfect price for your rentals.
  • Mobile-First Design: Fast, attractive, and mobile-friendly templates.
  • Automation & Management: Streamline workflows and increase customer loyalty. Send messages and reviews across all platforms. Schedule your cleaning staff with ease, in just a few clicks.
  • Flexible Payments: 200+ secure payment gateways.

High-quality vacation rental photography can boost bookings by up to 20%. Combine them with a professional website to maximize your rental’s potential.

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High-quality vacation rental photography is essential for attracting more guests and increasing your bookings. By applying these top 10 photography hacks, you can showcase your property in the best possible light and stand out in a competitive market. Remember, good photos can drive up to 20% more bookings, as photos are among the top 3 factors affecting bookings.